You can’t afford an unhealthy workforce and offering gym memberships isn’t the answer.

Employees expect more from their work, so your businesses wellbeing offering is a factor in both recruitment of the best people, and retention of your best performers.

Health and Fitness for your business

Only 15% of the UK population want to use a gym membership.

  • Average attendance of a gym is 0.9 sessions per week in the UK.

  • UK businesses lose £77 billion annually through sickness absence and subpar performance.

Boost Your Team's Health and Productivity with Xperience PT's Custom Corporate Fitness Packages.

  • Tailored Fitness Programs: Designed to cater to various fitness levels, ensuring inclusivity and engagement for all employees.

  • Mental Health Support: Integrating exercise regimes known to boost mental health, thereby enhancing workplace morale and reducing stress levels.

  • Affordable Solutions: We believe in delivering value, offering competitive pricing to ensure our programs are accessible to businesses of all sizes.

  • Flexible workout options: With options to have in business exercise sessions,
    virtual live classes, or on-demand workouts. Our service will help you cater for your staff needs, ensuring maximum participation and impact.

Unhealthy employees cost UK businesses £77 billion annually

Studies indicate that unhealthy employees cost UK businesses an astounding £77 billion annually due to lost productivity linked to sickness absence and subpar performance.

Exercise reduces the symptoms of depression

The mental health benefits of regular physical activity are undeniable, with evidence suggesting that exercise can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety by up to 30%, enhancing overall employee morale and productivity.

Our programs are not just fitness routines; they are comprehensive wellness solutions tailored to meet the unique demands and schedules of your team.

The experience of the pandemic has driven significant changes in terms of what employees expect from employers and top of the list is employee mental health and wellbeing.  

Companies attracting top talent have clear wellbeing policies and initiatives, in fact 26% of employees have changed jobs to get better support and benefits for their wellbeing.

So as well as this being something which will aid retention of talent it will also allow you to stand out in the crowd of employers looking for talent!

Let’s work together

Investing in the health and wellness of your employees is not just a cost; it's an investment in the future of your business. With Xperience PT, empower your team to achieve their best health, leading to improved productivity, reduced sick days, and a vibrant, energetic workplace culture.

Let's work together to tailor a fitness package that aligns with your corporate wellness goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your team's journey to better health.